Prevalence of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy

Among 63,000 enumerated population aged ≥50 years in 21 districts, 56771 (90.1%) were assessed for diabetes. The prevalence of diabetes was 11.8%. The prevalence of KD was 8.0% whereas ND was 3.8%. Males showed a similar prevalence of diabetes (12%) as females (11.7%). Known diabetics comprised 67.3% participants, while 32.7% were new diabetics. Highest prevalence of diabetes was observed in 70-79 years age group at 13.2%. Nearly 40% of KDs were diagnosed 1-4 years back while 5.3% of KDs reported diagnosis within past one-year.

Definition of various categories of visual impairment

Presenting visual acuity < 3/60 in better eye

Severe Visual Impairment (SVI)

Presenting visual acuity < 6/60 – 3/60 in better eye

Moderate Visual Impairment (MVI)

Presenting visual acuity < 6/18 – 6/60 in better eye

Early Visual Impairment (EVI)

Presenting visual acuity < 6/12 – 6/18 in better eye

Moderate Severe Visual Impairment (MSVI)

Presenting visual acuity <6/18-3/60 in better eye

Visual Impairment

Presenting visual acuity < 6/18 in better eye

Functional Low Vision

A person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment and/or standard refractive correction, and a visual acuity of less than 6/18 to light perception, or a visual field of less than 10 degree from the point of fixation.

Cataract Surgical Coverage (Person) indicates how many persons received cataract surgery (one or both eyes) among all who were bilaterally pinhole blind due to cataract.
The numerator includes persons with one operated and one pinhole blind eye and persons with bilateral (pseudo) aphakia. The denominator includes the numerator, plus persons bilaterally pinhole blind due to cataract. Besides this, the indicator can also be calculated separately for PinVA <6/60 and <6/18.

Cataract Surgical Coverage (Eye) measures the proportions of eyes pinhole blind due to cataract, which have been operated so far.
The numerator includes all (pseudo) aphakic eyes. The denominator includes the numerator, plus eyes pinhole blind due to cataract. Besides this, the indicator can also be calculated separately for PinVA <6/60 and <6/18.

Table: Prevalence of known and new diabetes among assessed in population aged ≥50 years

Known diabetes8.2%7.8%8.0%
Newly diagnosed diabetes3.8%3.9%3.8%

Table: Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in diabetic and overall population aged ≥50 years

Diabetic population aged ≥50 years (Scottish
Complete DR evaluation
Total Examine
No visible retinopathy (R0)4976(83.1)55761 (98.2)
Mild (R1)705 (11.8)705 (1.2)
Observable background (R2)155 (2.6)155 (0.3)
Referable (R3)113 (1.9)113 (0.2)
Proliferative (R4)37 (0.6)37 (0.1)
Any retinopathy1010 (16.9)1010 (1.8)
No maculopathy (M0)5569 (93.0)56354 (99.3)
Observable (M1)215 (3.6)215 (0.4)
Referable (M2)202 (3.4)202 (0.4)
Any Maculopathy417 (7.0)417 (0.7)
Laser Scars
No Laser Scars5957 (99.5)56742 (99.9)
Pan retinal laser23 (0.4)23 (0)
Macular laser1 (0.0)1 (0)
Pan retinal and macular laser5 (0.1)5 (0)
Any Retinopathy and /or Maculopathy1010 (16.9)1010 (1.8)
Sight Threatening DR (R4 or M2)214 (3.6)214 (0.4)

Table: Prevalence of blindness and visual impairment in diabetic and total population aged ≥50 years

Non diabetics/
unknown status
Total Examined
Blindness144 (2.1%)1035 (2.0)1179 (2.0)
Visual impairment923 (13.7%)7128 (14.0)8051 (13.9)